Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Garden Field Trip

What better way for a new gardener to spend a warm and sunny Saturday in NYC then with a visit to the New York Botanical Gardens?

Trip Highlights:

NYBG veggie garden!  Very apropos :-)

Found this bird sleeping soundly along the Thain Family Forest.

Bunny grazing

 Nice trip!!

My Garden update:

It's been a week and I'd say my plants are growing quite nicely...

Added some blood meal to both plants early last week to help them grow greener and bigger.  Really excited about their progress thus far!

My First Garden!

Green is my favorite color.  Flowers, vegetables, fruits, and grass all have the ability to turn a rough day into pure joy for me just by being in their presence. Strolling the farmer's market at Union Square and taking in the sites of all the fresh fruits and veggies from the season makes my heart jump (I'm guilty of once spending $40 on a bag of mesclun mix that was just too beautiful to resist).  My dream wedding would take place at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, in the spring of course, amongst all their lush and exotic florals.   All this to say, I'm a gardener at heart; it was time I started my own garden!  
I love fruits and vegetables and was excited by the idea of growing my own food. Last week I started growing my own spinach and mesclun! I chose these plants because they are both relatively easy to grow (which is good cause this is my first planting experience) and they grow fast! I have very limited space and had to improvise.   

I created flower pots with these lovely coffee sacks courtesy of the wonderful coffee man at Fairway :-)

 Filled both sacks with this lovely potting mix, which the floral man at Home Depot hooked me up with.  He said it would be a good choice for me as I'm new to gardening and this mix not only holds onto moisture (which means I don't have to water as often) but it also includes all the nutrients (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) that my plants will need, so I don't have to worry about fertilizing.

 I found a nice sunny yet shaded area in my apartment for my plants to call home...

It's been a week filled with rain here in NYC, which can only be good for my babies.  What a thrill for me to look out my window this morning and see the first sprigs of my veggies!!

 Can't wait till these greens are ready to harvest!!